Logistic and Distribution Email List
How DiscoverDB helps you?
Our database in heavy machinery, retail, industrial manufacturing and similar areas spans across many countries .Most of our custom-made lists contain contact details of business owners looking for a service and a list of customers who are fetching the information about the distributor. Manual and Automated methods are implemented to improve the supply chain information.
Over the past few years, companies in the distribution and logistics industry are under constant pressure to meet greater customer expectations, improve return on assets, minimize operating costs, and promote operational excellence. This is triggered further by factors such as fluctuations in fuel prices, trade regulations, and performance of the overall economy.
A growing number of logistics service providers are leveraging mobility, telemetry, and analytics to drive operational excellence. It is a common strategy to develop a 360 degree view of performance which gives you an insight to improve the decision making process.
Logistics service providers follow an “asset-light” supply chain strategy where they own as few warehouses and trucks as possible. Strategic partnerships with individual truckers are the key to success of this strategy, which in turns makes supplier relationship management more crucial. Logistics providers should also look at social media and mobile deployment to build a community comprising of key stakeholders of the business.